Aion 4 0 Full Client Ayodance
System Requirements If you want to play AION with the normal graphics settings, you need following system requirements: Category Minimum Recommended CPU Intel Dual Core / AMD Athlon 64 X2 or higher Intel Quad Core / AMD Phenom II X4 or higher RAM Min. 4 GB VGA NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / AMD Radeon 4550 or higher NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / AMD Radeon HD 5770 or higher Hard disk Min. 30 GB (Installation requires 60 GB) Min. 30 GB (Installation requires 60 GB) OS Windows 7, 8, 10 Windows 7, 8, 10 DirectX 9.0c (2008.6) 9.0c (2008.6).
Take off into the world of fantasy MMORPG AION Free-to-Play and fight for the fate of your people – on the ground and in the air! Selection of software according to 'Aion 4.0 full client download' topic.
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