Qbasic To Basic Converter

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VernonM 30-Dec-12 12:11 30-Dec-12 12:11 Hi Daniel, Can you show me what commands are available? This could be a valuable project commercially, though I hope it stays free. For instance, These folks have a free program called Monkey Monkey is classified as a source(MonkeyBasic) to source compiler that is able to convert Monkey source code to Java, ActionScript, C, C# or JavaScript. The javascript ( html5 ) version is for free. Problem is that, even a small program output size is 93k. The $99 version converts BlitBasic into Java, ActionScript, C, C#.

I would purchase it, if it converted to ' C '. I like functional programming ( not so verbose ). What language is jsBasic written in? If your not interested in further development, would you consider turning your project over to someone else? Not me, So far I only code in HotBasic, and only freeware ( too ). Latest one with sourcecode is here: Thanks for your consideration?Vernon. I'm not sure what dialect it is, to be honest.

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I guess it's my own dialect - a mixture of what I could remember, and it's definitely just a small subset of BASIC. I got your email which had the following code that couldn't compile: 10 PI= 3. 14 20 INPUT ' WHAT IS THE RADIUS'; R 30 A=PI.R^2 40 PRINT ' THE AREA OF THE CIRCLE IS'; A 50 PRINT 60 GOTO 20 There are a couple of issues here.

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In JSBasic, all variables need to end with the '$' character. Also, there are no semi-colons. So, here is how to make the above work: 10 PI$= 3. 14 20 INPUT ' WHAT IS THE RADIUS' R$ 30 A$=PI$.R$.R$ 40 PRINT ' THE AREA OF THE CIRCLE IS ' A$ 50 PRINT 60 GOTO 20 Note: just tried running these in Chrome after a very long time. You might need to tell chrome (or other browsers) to allow popups for the input box to work.

> I've heard from many in this newsgroup that all BASIC code will convert to. Converting Quick Basic to Visual. I wonder why he didn't try QBASIC.EXE in a DOS.

Shortdog 17-Apr-09 11:46 17-Apr-09 11:46 Great Article. Both for nostalgia (learned to program at 9 years on a C64), but also learning value. I am working on something extremely similar, but much more complex. After looking at (an mostly being confused by ANTLR3), then I found Irony and eventually your project. I downloaded the code and Irony from codeplex. I am working off C# 2008 Express version. When I compile your project I get over 20 errors complaning about AstNodeArgs not found.

Qbasic programming language download

I have referenced the Newest version of Irony as well as the Version that include under the WebCompile bin directory. Same results. Am I missing something. I replace AstNodeArg with NodeArg and I get a whole new set of compile errors.

Specifically refering to the compiler.Context missing. I'd Really like to dig into your code and see it debugging. Any help would be appretitiated. Dave.dolan 2-May-08 18:40 2-May-08 18:40 So yeah, I'm so happy with the irony project, and especially the great foot it's starting off on with people like yourself documenting and exemplifying it in application.

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Kind of off the subject, I really like the diagrams. Did I mention I such at making diagrams? (Sure I can write compilers, but don't ask me to draw a parse tree, especially in Visio, yuk.) Very nice article. Your style of writing is a great deal more economical than mine, so I'm just all around impressed. Writing tech articles for people who don't fully understand the subject matter is a tough gig, and you do it very well. Hi, try this instead: 10 for i$ = 1 to 10 20 print i$ 30 next i$ It seems every system had a slightly different implementation of Basic.

C To Basic Converter

I've implemented it so that all variables must end with a '$', which is why your example didn't compile (I guess the error message could have been better ). Other systems sometimes implemented it so that real numbers ended with '%', integers with '!' , and strings with '$', or something like that. Others, like your one, didn't need the '$' sign on all variables. Anyway, thanks for the comment! Cheers Daniel. Hi, great idea!

(I assume you mean creating a.NET console app). Amazingly,.NET (and CodeDom) supports the goto statement, so that part would be easier to implement than in JavaScript, and ironically, the gosub/ return would be harder to generate! (But not too hard) System.Console also provides all the necessary features with its own versions of print, input, inkey$, and locate.

Perhaps just introduce another interface with a GenerateCodeDom method which each AstNode implements to generate its own CodeDom object, and then you could easily compile to an EXE. Ok, so it's a bit of work. Maybe I will try it out sometime later, unless someone else wants to first? Thanks for writing.