R75 Splat
For command lines, here is a good post for it on pingtool.org. Some configuration are copied here: set snmp agent on set snmp contact '[email protected]'. On April 17, 2012 Check Point announced the general availability of the Gaia operating system as part of the R75.40 release. Features While started as pure firewall and vpn only product, later more features were added.

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R75 Spline Lube
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R75 Spline Lube
For command lines, here is a good post for it on. Some configuration are copied here: set snmp agent on set snmp contact ' set snmp location 'Middle of nowhere' add snmp address set snmp agent-version v3-Only add snmp usm user snmpv3user security-level authPriv auth-pass-phrase 111222333 privacy-pass-phrase 555666777 Notes: By Default, at WebGUI, Checkpoint SNMPv3 only support MD5 and DES for Authentication typle and Privacy Type. Make sure when setting up SNMP manager server, you choose MD5 and DES.