Sudo Apt-get Install Unrealircd
Brief: This beginner’s guide shows you what you can do with apt-get commands in Linux. Sudo apt-get install =.
- Sudo Apt-get Install Ubuntu-desktop
- Sudo Apt-get Install Ubuntu-restricted-extras
- Sudo Apt-get Install Php5 Libapache2-mod-php5
I know this has been answered, but I had the same question and this is what I needed to do to resolve it. During installation, I had not added a network mirror, so I had to add information about where a repo was on the internet. Contoh evaluasi jabatan. To do this, I ran: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list and added the following lines: deb wheezy main deb-src wheezy main If you need to do this, you may need to replace 'wheezy' with the version of debian you're running. Afterwards, run: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential Hopefully this will help someone who had the same problem that I did.

On this page. This tutorial shows the installation of an IRC server with IRCD-Hybrid and Anope on Ubuntu 15.04 and how to secure the IRC connections with SSL. About IRC IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a text-based chat protocol which has an open specification. There are several IRC servers and clients available which implement IRC.
IRCD-Hybrid is a lightweight, high-performance Internet Relay Chat daemon used by e.g. We will use this software in our tutorial for Ubuntu 15.04. Anope is a set of IRC Services that provides flexibility and ease of use with support for 15 IRCds including IRCD-Hybrid. Anope is available in 2 versions: Stable and Development. We will use the Stable version here.
Prerequisites. An Ubuntu 15.04 server, I will use the IP Root Privileges What we will do in this tutorial.
Install the required dependencies. Download and install IRCD-Hybrid. Download and install Anope. Configure IRCD-Hybrid. Configure Anope Services. Adding SSL to IRCD-Hybrid. Step 1 - Installation of the required dependencies We need OpenSSL and the gcc compiler for the installation.
The Linux Build tools are available in the meta package 'build-essential' and we need the Make tool CMake for the Anope installation. Install the packages with the 'apt' command: sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake openssl libssl-dev Step 2 - Download and install IRCD-Hybrid 1. We will install IRCD-Hybrid from source. Download the source files from sourceforge and extract them in your home directory: sudo su cd wget tar -xzf ircd-hybrid-8.2.8.tgz 2. Please go to the directory 'ircd-hybrid' with 'cd' command: cd ircd-hybrid-8.2.8 3. Now before you compile and install the software, you have to set a directory for ircd, and the user to run the software. This what i will do:.

Sudo Apt-get Install Ubuntu-desktop
Install ircd-hybrid under user 'mavis'. Install in a directory called 'hybrid', under mavis home directory. If you dont have a user 'mavis' yet, add one with the command: adduser mavis Now run this command with 'root' privileges to configure and compile ircd:./configure -prefix=/home/mavis/hybrid make && make install Now go to the mavis home directory and change the owner of the 'hybrid' directory. Cd /home/mavis chown -R mavis:mavis hybrid Step 3 - Download and install Anope Services 1.
Download anope with the wget command and extract the tar.gz file: sudo su cd wget tar -xzf 2.0.2.tar.gz 2. Then enter the anope directory. Cd anope-2.0.2-source/ 3.

And compile and install anope. These are the same steps that we used to install ircd-hybrid. I will install it under user 'mavis' as well into the directory 'services'. Now run this as 'root' privileges:./Config and you will be asked 'where do you want to install' anope.
Sudo Apt-get Install Ubuntu-restricted-extras
Enter the following directory '/home/mavis/services/' and then press 'Enter'. Next enter the 'build' directory and then use a command 'make && make install' to compile and install anope services. Cd build make && make install When the installation is complete, go to the mavis home directory and change the owner for directory 'services' to user 'mavis'. Cd /home/mavis/ chown -R mavis:mavis services/ Step 4 - Configure IRCD-Hybrid 1. Before you edit the configuration file, please generate a password with 'mkpasswd' command in the 'bin' directory. This password is used later for the admin/operator access.
Sudo Apt-get Install Php5 Libapache2-mod-php5
Cd /hybrid/bin./mkpasswd type your password 2. Now switch to user mavis to configure ircd-hybrid. Please go to the directory 'hybrid/etc/' and copy a file 'reference.conf' to a new file 'ircd.conf'. Su - mavis cd hybrid/etc/ cp reference.conf ircd.conf 3. Edit the file ircd.conf with the vim editor.