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Author by: Austin Hook Language: en Publisher by: Lennex Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 44 Total Download: 726 File Size: 42,7 Mb Description: In this book, we have hand-picked the most sophisticated, unanticipated, absorbing (if not at times crackpot!), original and musing book reviews of 'Delta of Venus.' Don't say we didn't warn you: these reviews are known to shock with their unconventionality or intimacy. Some may be startled by their biting sincerity; others may be spellbound by their unbridled flights of fantasy. Don't buy this book if: 1.
You don't have nerves of steel. You expect to get pregnant in the next five minutes.
You've heard it all. Author by: Suzanne Nalbantian Language: en Publisher by: Springer Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 60 Total Download: 717 File Size: 53,8 Mb Description: This book of essays is the first to probe Anais Nin's achievements as a literary artist. With an introduction by the editor, Suzanne Nalbantian, the collection examines the literary strategies of Nin in their psychoanalytical and stylistic dimensions.
Various contributors scrutinize Nin's artistry, identifying her unique modernist techniques and her poetic vision. Others observe the transfer of her psychoanalytical positions to narrative. The volume also contains fresh views of Nin by her brother Joaquin Nin-Culmell as well as innovative analyses of the reception of her works.
Author by: David Sacks Language: en Publisher by: Broadway Books Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 74 Total Download: 846 File Size: 49,8 Mb Description: David Sacks has embarked on a fun, lively, and learned excursion into the alphabet–and into cultural history–in Letter Perfect. Clearly explaining the letters as symbols of precise sounds of speech, the book begins with the earliest known alphabetic inscriptions (circa 1800 b.c.), recently discovered by archaeologists in Egypt, and traces the history of our alphabet through the ancient Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans and up through medieval Europe to the present day. But the heart of the book is the twenty-six fact-filled “biographies” of letters A through Z, each one identifying the letter’s particular significance for modern readers, tracing its development from ancient forms, and discussing its noteworthy role in literature and other media. We learn, for example, why letter X may have a sinister and sexual aura, how B came to signify second best, why the word mother in many languages starts with M. Combining facts both odd and essential, Letter Perfect is cultural history at its most accessible and enjoyable.
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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