International Business Fifth Edition
Buy International Business 5th edition (549) by Alan M. Rugman for up to 90% off at
Description For introductory International Business courses with the need for a brief, accessible text. A comprehensive yet concise framework with unrivaled clarity. International Business: The Challenges of Globalization presents international business in a comprehensive yet concise framework with unrivaled clarity. Recent, real-world examples and engaging features brings the material to life for students. See the hands in the air, hear the roar of discussion–be a Rock Star in the classroom.
MyIBlab makes it easier for you to be a Rock Star in the classroom by helping you hold students accountable for class preparation, and getting students engaged in the material through an array of relevant teaching and media resources. For introductory International Business courses with the need for a brief, accessible text.
This product is part of the following series. TestGen Computerized Test Item File for International Business, 5th Edition. Study International Business: The Challenges of Globalization (5th Edition) discussion and chapter questions and find International Business: The Challenges of.
A comprehensive yet concise framework with unrivaled clarity. International Business: The Challenges of Globalization presents international business in a comprehensive yet concise framework with unrivaled clarity. Recent, real-world examples and engaging features brings the material to life for students. See the hands in the air, hear the roar of discussion—be a Rock Star in the classroom. MyIBlab makes it easier for you to be a Rock Star in the classroom by helping you hold students accountable for class preparation, and getting students engaged in the material through an array of relevant teaching and media resources. MYIBLAB Engaging Students and Holding Them Accountable for Their Class Performance myIBlab helps you hold students accountable for class preparation and supports more active learning styles by providing students with the tools necessary to assess their knowledge and identify areas for improvement. Encourage Students to Understand the Material Before Class: Study Plan that consists of the pretest, remediation material tailored to pretest results, and the posttest.
Offer an In-depth Look at Doing Business in Other Countries: Market Entry Strategy Project (MESP). This semester-long, interactive supplement provides students with interactive maps and vital business information—such as demographics, government influence, and economic stability—on a selected country. Bringing Excitement and Interest to the Center Stage Inspire the exchange of new ideas and foster intriguing discussions with the abundant resources found in myIBlab. Course Currency at Your Fingertips: Business News Videos. The BizTube videos found in myIBlab will feature breaking business news and scenarios pertinent to the topics covered in your course. Discussion Questions (along with answers) accompany these videos so that you can use this asset in your classroom immediately. Videos are updated monthly.
Measure Core Critical-thinking Skills: Discussion Questions. Get your students to recognize assumptions, evaluate arguments, and more with Discussion Questions that will help inspire curiosity about the subject matter. Discussion Questions can be used as an opportunity for students to show their ability on extra-credit questions, and are great for generating discussion. Promote Active Learning: Flash Cards. To help students study, myIBlab includes flash cards of key terms from their textbook. Making it Easier for You to Rock the Room myIBlab puts an array of teaching resources at your fingertips, making it easy for you to be a Rock Star in the classroom!
Supplying the Resources You Need: Lecture Materials. Reinforce Key Concepts: PowerPoint ® Presentations. Seamlessly reinforce key concepts in the lecture by providing students with access to PowerPoint presentations to be used for studying purposes. Electronic Figures. All figures from the text are available electronically, making it easier for you to integrate the images and figures of your choice into your presentations.
Assign Online: Tests and Quizzes. Professors can test and quiz their students through myIBlab, which contains complete testbanks. Fully Updated and Revised Testbank. All test questions have been assessed and improved as needed by an assessment professional. This test-generating program allows instructors to add, edit, or delete questions from the Test Item File; analyze test results; and organize a database of exams and student results. Course Currency at Your Fingertips: Business News Videos. The BizTube videos found in myIBlab will feature breaking business news and scenarios pertinent to the topics covered in your course.
Discussion Questions (along with answers) accompany these videos so that you can use this asset in your classroom immediately. Videos are updated monthly. Manage All of Your Course Grades in One Place: Powerful Gradebook and Advanced Reporting.
The fully functioning Gradebook makes it easy for to manage all of your course grades in one convenient location. Gradebook allows you to import/export from popular learning management systems, manipulate and modify individual student grades, and even calculate final grades. You can also run a number of activity reports for single or multiple students, assignments, and sections. You can even run frequency analysis reports, Study Plan reports, and create certificates of completion. All reports can be customized, exported, and saved to My Reports for easy access. Tailor Your Online Course: BlackBoard and WebCT ePacks. Both ePacks contain core supplements so you can quickly create your own course in each environment.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBALIZATION, 5/e International Business: The Challenges of Globalization presents international business in a comprehensive yet concise framework with unrivaled clarity. Recent, real-world examples and engaging features brings the material to life for students. Unrivaled presentation of culture: Culture is a fundamental element of all international business activity.

This topic appears early in the text and is integrated throughout using culture-rich chapter openers and lively examples of how culture affects international business. Feedback tells us covering culture in this way gets students interested in chapter material because it illustrates how concepts relate to the real world. Motivate students with material that’s challenging yet fun: Presenting complex material in an accessible manner helps students to better master the topics. For example, Chapter 5 introduces concepts of absolute and comparative advantage by discussing whether Tiger Woods should install his own hot tub or let a professional installer perform the job. Readable, current and concise material in a paperback format: a. Easy-to-read: Each chapter is infused with real-world discussion and underlying theory appears in the background where it belongs.
Clutter-free material and design: Terminology is used consistently and theories are explained in direct and concise terms. This book’s visual style is innovative yet subtle and uses, photos, illustrations, and features sparingly. The best tools for active learning: This book has more end-of-chapter assignment material than any other international business book on the market. Some tools include: a.
Talk It Over questions b.Teaming Up projects c.Take It to the Web assignments d. Ethical challenge exercises Other Points of Distinction I. Chapter-opening company profiles: Brief, easy-to-read introductions to each chapter’s content. Companies include: a.
Nintendo f. Ryanair g. Marvel h. Red Bull II. Comprehensive and engaging features: a. Entrepreneur’s Toolkit Boxes: Highlight the key roles that entrepreneurs and small businesses play in our global economy. B. Quick Study Concept Checks: This feature help students verify that they have learned the section’s key terms and important concepts before moving on.
Full-Color World Atlas: Appears as an appendix to Chapter 1 is a primer for students to test their knowledge of world geography and acts as a reference tool throughout the course. “Roadmap” Beacons: This feature provides students with a guide of how chapters relate to one another.
They are titled “A Look Back,” “A Look at This Chapter,” and “A Look Ahead.” Raising the bar with current material meant to connect with today's student I. Dynamic Maps: Students of international business must understand world geography. This book’s new vibrant and easy-to-read maps reinforce the location of important places and supplement key concepts with visual learning aids.
Newly Revised Chapter 4: Economics and Emerging Markets a. New chapter-opening company profile of high-tech Indian firm Infosys. B. Updated coverage of economic progress of the biggest emerging markets. C.Greater emphasis on the emerging markets of China, India, and Russia along with an update on North Korea’s economic policies. D. Updated mini-case on the economic progress and prospects of Cuba. “Video Report” Exercises: This exercise asks students to view and report on brief YouTube videos. Instructor’s Manual Design: This new design better suites alternative lecture styles.
MyIBlab: This course management package is now available for delivering all parts of your course online. Interactive Learning Environment-No matter the learning style, myIBlab helps students understand difficult concepts and theories. Some of the features include: 1. Robust Content- myIBlab includes a suite of robust study tools to pique student interest.
The tools are mapped by chapter and learning objective so students can spend time only on the areas that need attention. Market entry strategy project: An online, interactive strategy simulation specially designed for use with this textbook asks students to analyze a country in which to introduce a new product. The following four activities build on one another in this project:. Market Intelligence Report. Business Analysis Environment Report. Report on Opportunities for Market Entry. A Market Entry Strategy Assignment 2.
Fifth Business Summary
Customized Study Plan-Based upon the results of the Chapter Pre-Test, students receive a plan to help them remediate important concepts and applications where they need improvement. Study Plans correlate to the Learning Objectives from the textbook and build remediation through layering levels of knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis tools to help students understand and apply the concepts. Advanced Reporting-With myIBlab’s advanced reporting capabilities, you can run a number of activity reports for single or multiple students, assignments, and sections. You can even run frequency analysis reports, Study Plan reports, and create certificates of completion. All reports can be customized, exported, and saved to My Reports for easy access.
Built in Communication- myIBlab offers a complete email and announcement functionality so you can communicate with just one student, a specific section or your entire course roster. Online Course Management System- myIBlab is a ready-made course with all of the functionality of traditional Course Management systems. Raising the bar with current material New! Dynamic Maps: Students of international business must understand world geography. This book’s new vibrant and easy-to-read maps reinforce the location of important places and supplement key concepts with visual learning aids.
MyIBLab: This course management package is now available for delivering all parts of your course online. Newly Revised Chapter 4: Economics and Emerging Markets New chapter-opening company profile of high-tech Indian firm Infosys. Updated coverage of economic progress of the biggest emerging markets. Greater emphasis on the emerging markets of China, India, and Russia along with an update on North Korea’s economic policies. Updated mini-case on the economic progress and prospects of Cuba.
Fifth Business Definition
“Video Report” Exercises: This exercise asks students to view and report on brief YouTube videos. Instructor’s Manual Design: This new design better suites alternative lecture styles.